Alec Bradley Cigars

Alec Bradley Cigars

Alec Bradley is a well-respected brand in the cigar industry, known for their commitment to quality and consistency in their blends. Founded by Alan Rubin in 1996, Alec Bradley has quickly risen to become one of the most popular cigar brands on the market.

One of the things that sets Alec Bradley apart is their dedication to sourcing the best tobacco for their cigars. They work with farmers in various countries, including Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, to find the perfect leaves for their blends. The result is a range of cigars that offer a wide variety of flavors and aromas, from creamy and smooth to bold and spicy.

One of the most popular lines from Alec Bradley is the Prensado, which won the Cigar of the Year award in 2011. The Prensado is made with a Honduran Corojo wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers, resulting in a complex and full-bodied smoke with flavors of chocolate, leather, and nuts.
Another popular Alec Bradley cigar is the Tempus, which was released in 2007. The Tempus is made with a Honduran wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers, creating a medium to full-bodied smoke with flavors of cedar, leather, and a hint of sweetness.

In addition to their traditional cigar lines, Alec Bradley also offers a range of infused cigars, including the Black Market Filthy Hooligan and the Nica Puro Rosado. These cigars feature a blend of tobaccos infused with various flavors, such as Irish cream or raspberry, for a unique smoking experience.
Overall, Alec Bradley is a brand that consistently delivers high-quality cigars with a wide range of flavors and aromas to suit every palate. If you’re looking for a reliable and enjoyable cigar, Alec Bradley is definitely worth trying.

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