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Discover the unique flavor and aroma of Corleone cigars, made from a premium blend of tobacco from Ecuador, Peru, Nicaragua, and Santo Domingo. Handcrafted using traditional Entubado rolling technique in Nicaragua, these cigars feature the best of each terroir’s strengths and personalities. Experience the complexity of Peruvian aromas, the power of Nicaraguan spices, Santo Domingo’s combustion control, and Ecuador’s beautiful capes in every cigar. Get your premium handcrafted Corleone cigars today.
Alex Elami, creator, Master Blender and nose of the brand, has had a cigar in his blood since a young age. Born into a family of aficionados for whom tasting a vitola at the end of a meal was an almost sacred ritual, he quickly developed a passion for flavors, aromas, terroirs and manufacturing processes. A discerning amateur himself, he continues today the family tradition, a symbol of generosity and sharing.