Montesino cigars have been an integral part of the Fuente family for an extensive period. In 1980, Carlos Fuente Sr. and his son Carlos Fuente Jr. embarked on the production of cigars in the Dominican Republic. Among the initial creations in their new factory were the highly successful Montesino cigars. Originally crafted in limited sizes, these cigars featured Connecticut Shade natural wrapper or Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper.With the growth of the Fuente family’s expertise in rolling techniques and tobacco aging, the Montesino lineup has expanded beyond its original four sizes. Now, it includes a Robusto, Toro, various Belicosos, and a remarkable Pyramid with an Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper. This wrapper imparts a truly unique flavor and exceptional smoking characteristics. Like all premium handmade cigars produced by the Fuente Family, Montesino cigars exclusively utilize the finest vintage tobaccos that undergo lengthy aging periods. The outcome is a full-flavored yet smooth cigar that has gained widespread acclaim among cigar enthusiasts in the United States and Europe.
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