Davidoff Grand Cru cigars were envisioned to be crafted with the same precision as classic Bordeaux wines. Now, akin to the rich, ripe grapes of Bordeaux, a new innovation has emerged, resulting in an extraordinary cigar that truly earns the Grand Cru title. The Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection features tobacco aged in Premier Grand Cru red wine casks from Bordeaux.
For the first time, in line with Zino’s pioneering spirit, wine cask-aged tobacco is being used. San Vicente seco tobacco is matured for six months in these casks, infusing the cigars with the distinct flavors of Bordeaux wines – dark cherries, walnuts, and citrus. This unique blend creates a flavor experience reminiscent of wine swirling in a glass. Adding to the distinctiveness of this Limited Edition, the cigars are presented in a striking figurado format, enhancing the palate’s journey through the richness of the blend.
Optimize your cigar experience with the Davidoff Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection – a true connoisseur’s delight.