Cohiba Cuban Cigars


Experience Luxury with Cohiba Cuban Cigars

Indulge in the luxury of Cohiba, a premium Cuban cigar brand that boasts a rich legacy of quality and distinctive flavor. Founded in Havana in 1966, Cohiba has become a symbol of cigar excellence globally, thanks to its meticulously crafted cigars made from the finest tobacco leaves sourced from Vuelta Abajo, Cuba’s prime tobacco-growing region.
“Cohiba,” an ancient term coined by the Taíno Indians, represents the first form of rolled tobacco leaves that Christopher Columbus discovered in Cuba in 1492. True to its name, Cohiba continues to embody the very essence of premium tobacco. Each Cohiba cigar is hand-made, going through an extra fermentation process that imparts an unmistakable aroma and flavor, creating a unique smoking experience.
Through constant innovation and a commitment to quality, Cohiba leads the world of Habano, offering an array of cigars from the strong Classic Line to the mature Maduro 5 Line. Cohiba stands as a testament to the finest Cuban craftsmanship, a brand synonymous with exclusivity and high quality.
Unravel the sensory journey of smoking a Cohiba Cuban cigar, where every puff takes you beyond taste into a realm of unforgettable experiences. Discover why Cohiba is the most sought-after brand and considered the epitome of the finest tobacco in the world. Embark on this luxury journey with us. Read More

Cohiba Cuban Cigars

Cohiba Ambar (10)

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Cohiba Cuban Cigars

Cohiba Medio Siglo (25)

Original price was: CHF1'300.00.Current price is: CHF1'199.00.
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