Corrida Cigars

Corrida Cigars

Corrida Cigars is a brand that was founded by master blender, Benji Menendez. Menendez has a long history in the cigar industry, with over 50 years of experience in tobacco cultivation, blending, and production. He is widely recognized as a pioneer in the development of the modern cigar industry and has created some of the most highly rated and sought after cigars in the world.
Corrida Cigars is known for its use of rare and premium tobacco leaves in its blends. The brand sources its tobacco from a variety of regions, including Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, and uses a combination of aged filler and binder leaves to create complex and flavorful cigars.
One of the standout blends from Corrida Cigars is the Corrida Corojo. This cigar features a wrapper made from 100% Corojo tobacco, which gives it a spicy and full-bodied flavor profile. The filler and binder leaves are also made from aged tobacco, which adds depth and richness to the overall flavor of the cigar.
In addition to the Corrida Corojo, the brand also offers a variety of other blends, including the Corrida Habano and the Corrida Maduro. Each of these cigars offers its own unique flavor profile and smoking experience, making them appealing to a wide range of cigar enthusiasts.
If you’re a fan of cigars that are made with rare and premium tobacco leaves, then Corrida Cigars is definitely a brand that you should check out. From the complex and flavorful Corrida Corojo, to the smooth and creamy Corrida Habano, there is a cigar for every palate within the brand’s portfolio.

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