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Decision Cigars is a relatively new brand in the world of premium cigars, having only been founded in 2019. Despite its short history, the brand has already made a big impact in the industry with its unique and high-quality cigars.
The man behind Decision Cigars is Arsenio Ramos, a Cuban-born master blender with over 20 years of experience in the cigar industry. Ramos has worked with some of the biggest names in the business, including Rocky Patel and Arturo Fuente, and brings his expertise and passion to every cigar he creates.
One of the things that sets Decision Cigars apart from other brands is the focus on using only the finest, hand-selected tobacco. Ramos sources his tobacco from a variety of regions, including Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, and takes great care in the aging and fermentation process to ensure that each cigar has the perfect balance of flavor and strength.
In addition to using top-quality tobacco, Decision Cigars also places a strong emphasis on craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each cigar is rolled by skilled artisans using traditional techniques, resulting in a smooth, even burn and a consistently enjoyable smoking experience.
Currently, Decision Cigars offers a range of blends to suit different tastes and preferences. The brand’s signature line is the Decision Selection, which features a variety of sizes and wrapper options including Habano, Maduro, and Connecticut. The Decision Selection cigars are known for their full-bodied flavor profile, with notes of cocoa, spice, and leather.
In addition to the Decision Selection, the brand also offers a line of limited edition cigars called the Decision Exclusiva. These cigars are made in small batches and use rare, premium tobacco for an even more luxurious smoking experience.
If you’re a cigar enthusiast looking for a brand that values quality and craftsmanship above all else, Decision Cigars is definitely worth checking out. With its commitment to using only the finest tobacco and expert attention to detail, Decision Cigars is sure to become a go-to choice for many cigar aficionados.