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Cortez Cigars is a family-owned and operated cigar company based in Miami, Florida. Founded in the early 1990s by Cuban immigrant Jesus Fuego, Cortez Cigars has a strong reputation for producing high-quality cigars using premium tobacco from countries such as Nicaragua and Honduras.
One of Cortez Cigars’ most popular offerings is the J. Fuego Origen, a medium- to full-bodied cigar made with a Nicaraguan wrapper, a Honduran binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers. The Origen is known for its complex flavor profile, with notes of earth, pepper, and cedar.
Cortez Cigars also offers a variety of other blends, including the J. Fuego Heat, the J. Fuego Edicion de Familia, and the J. Fuego Americana. Each of these cigars offers a unique flavor experience, making Cortez Cigars a great choice for cigar enthusiasts who enjoy a range of flavor profiles.
In addition to its high-quality cigars, Cortez Cigars is also known for its commitment to sustainability. The company uses eco-friendly packaging and sources its tobacco from farms that prioritize environmentally friendly growing practices.
Overall, Cortez Cigars is a top choice for cigar lovers who appreciate a combination of exceptional flavor and responsible production practices.